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Does Sherwood Park Taxi provide services in compliance with government regulations?

Taxi Service

Does Sherwood Park Taxi provide services in compliance with government regulations?

We have received many requests from our daily blog readers that are demanding us to publish the information regarding the regulations which the Sherwood park cabs comply with.

Note: If you want to book a flat rate cab, then please consider us. Merely by searching the term Sherwood park taxi, you will come to know about its reputation.

Know About Us:

  • Since our origin is in Canada, being responsible citizens, we aim at providing the best taxi services that are not only safe but secure and comfortable also.
  • We know that how important is it on our parts to follow the rules that emphasize our good role in the public interest:
  • All the prices which we charge our customers are under strict government regulations
  • We follow all the rules that are necessary for providing insurance for the vehicle safety
  • We leave no stone unturned in providing our customers with the high quality services

Why Choose Sherwood Park Cabs?

We know that the taxi rules and regulations are constructed just to make sure that our customers do not have to compromise with the comfort and quality of the services. And so we are even more focused on following the rules and regulations.

  • Drivers

Even the drivers which we have hired are the ones who have undergone a strict recruitment process following the government regulations.

  • COVID Safety

The Canadian government has only granted permission to operate the taxi services on the condition that the service provider will make all the necessary arrangements to make sure that none of the passengers is falling prey to the global pandemic.

  • The security is never compromised

Apart from the Covid-19, there are so many other threatening conditions that fall in the category of unethical acts. To make sure neither the driver nor the passenger has to face any adverse consequences, our backend team keeps on tracking the taxi so that the cops would readily reach it at the time of the emergency.

  • We are equipped with all the safety measures

We cannot predict the unforeseen circumstances that could take place anytime. As per the government rules, we have ensured that from fire safety to collision safety, we have everything to safeguard our customers.

  • We’ll not let you suffer

Sometimes it is not our fault. But a car is also a piece of machinery which is prone to get deteriorated after some time. Although we always ensure that the taxis and the cabs are regularly serviced to avoid the chances of their getting collapsed in the way.

In case, the taxi or the can get collapsed in the way in the need of emergency repair or the replacement of some part, then we guarantee our customers to make them reach their destination by calling another taxi from the workstation.